"Meat Processing Industry - KARNEM"

Equipment financed by the IPARD Programme: Sausage filling system HandTmann VF 838 S3 3000 kg/h, multi-piston automatic clipper PDC A 700, Double-chamber vacuum packaging machine, horizontal packaging machine ULMA FM205, flake ice maker 200l REVIC, Meat cutter REVIC 200l, Plastic crate E2 with dimensions 600 x 400 x 200, Compressor model K-MAX 15-10VS 2100/840 l/min, Dryer for compressed air model L 900_11 bar, Compromised air tank model L 900_11 bar, Air filter model QF-0030 with purity up to 5 microns-capacity 3000 l/min, Air filter model PF-0030 with purity up to 1 micron-capacity 3000 l/min, Business plan and Consulting services,


Measure: Investments in physical assets concerning processing of agricultural holdings and fishery products.

Priority sector: Meat and meat products (including eggs and poultry).

Total value of the investment: 15,308,684.00 den.


Co-financed amount: 7,122,613.00 den.

Aid intensity: 50%