Call for Applications No.01/2020

On the basis of article 9 paragraph 1 point (b) from the Law on ratification of the Sectoral Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Macedonia and the Commission of the European Communities for stipulating provisions for management and implementation of the EU financial assistance to the R. Macedonia according to the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance in the policy areas for “Agriculture and Rural Development (IPARD) (Official Gazette of RM no.38/2016) on the basis of Part II, Measure Investments in Physical Assets of Agriculture Holdings point 11 of the Programme for allocation of funds from the EU Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance for Rural Development of the European Union (IPARD 2014-2020) (Official Gazette no.177/2016) and on the basis of article 6 from the Decree on the manner and the procedure for allocation of the financial assistance for the rural development measures funded under the IPARD Programme 2014-2020 (Official Gazette of RM no.64/2016) and Article 4 of the Decree on amending the Decree on the manner and the procedure for allocation of the financial assistance for the rural development measures funded under the IPARD Programme 2014-2020 (Official Gazette no. 58/2019),

The Agency for Financial Support of the Agriculture and Rural Development

On 29 February 2020 hereby announces

Call for Applications No.01/2020

for submitting applications for allocation of funds under Measure 1 “Investments in Physical Assets of Agriculture Holdings” from the IPARD Program 2014-2020
English short version
English long version