All farmers who wish to modernize their farms from today until April 14, 2020 will be able to apply for financial support through the IPARD 2 Program. The financial support will be provided from the measure "Investments in physical assets of agricultural holdings" from the IPARD 2 Program. The total financial support under this call is 9,216,693 euros or 568,147,394 denars. This Call shall enable the agricultural holdings a wide range of investments in primary agricultural and livestock production, including infrastructure operations. Director of the Agency for Financial Support in Agriculture and Rural Development, Nikolche Babovski, informed that:
"The measure is designed for implementing investments related to the following priority sectors: crop production, livestock production, on-farm processing and direct marketing of own agricultural production, energy production from renewable sources for self-consumption. The purchase of tractors is not acceptable investment under this Call "- explains Babovski.
The financial assets per individual request shall be awarded as a non-refundable grant in the amount of: 60% of the value of the total eligible investment costs for this measure. The percentage shall be increased to 65% for investments in agricultural holdings proposed by young farmers (natural persons aged 18 to 40 on the date of application for financial support) and 70% for investments in agricultural holdings in mountainous areas.
Everyone wishing to apply should have complete documentation and fill out and submit Application for allocation of funds from the IPARD Program 2014-2020 Measure 1 - "Investments in Physical Assets of Agricultural Holdings", and supporting documentation as listed in the Public Call. The filled-out application for allocation of funds under Measure 1 of the IPARD Program 2014-2020 and all documentation shall be submitted in a sealed envelope. The front of the envelope, in the upper left corner should have an indication "DO NOT OPEN" for Public Call IPARD, number 01/2020 and indication of the measure for which the application is sent. The application may be mailed as a registered shipment or in person to the Agency's archive.
With the allocation of the IPARD 2 funds, the Republic of North Macedonia will ensure that European Union standards are met in relation to food quality and safety, public health, environmental protection, occupational safety, health and protection of plants and animals, animal welfare as well as support for sustainable management of the natural resources and improvement of the living conditions in rural areas and the rural economy as a whole.