Preparatory period for application of funds for support through measure 7 "Diversification of farms and businesses development"

The Agency for Financial Support in Agriculture and Rural Development hereby informs all farmers, craftsmen, small farms and companies that as of today begins the preparatory period for collecting the overall documentation required to apply and receive financial support through measure 7 "Diversification of farms and business development ” from the IPARD II Program.

The Director of AFSARD, Mr. Nikica Bachovski has informed that according to the Program, all interested parties may submit applications for modernization of the existing or opening of new plants for Manufacture of food products and beverages, development of craft activities, development of services to the rural population as well as promotion of rural tourism. This means that with the funds from Measure 7 "Diversification of farms and business development" can fund opening of new or modernize plants for pasta, pastries, to open or improve farms for breeding rabbits, game, snails, freshwater fish, tree plantations and wood mass, as well as opening restaurants that offer catering services and accommodation facilities."- explains Bachovski.

According to the Program, 65% of the eligible costs for implementation of the investments will be returned to the applicants.

After the expiry of the deadline for preparation and collection of the necessary documentation for application, the Agency in the future period will announce a Call for Measure 7 "Diversification of farms and business development".

We would like to plea all interested parties and even at the point of applying to make caution and submit the entire set of required documentation, specified in in accordance with the Beneficiaries Guidelines from IPARD 2, Measure 7. All information regarding the required documentation can be found at website of the Agency’s webpage,

The specified measure "Diversification of farms and business development" creates conditions for the development of the most powerful part of the economy, namely small and micro enterprises that are the engine of the domestic economy and that will assist in the rural areas development. The allocation of the European funds from the Fifth component from the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance shall promote and modernize the domestic agro-sector, thus enabling increased production, quality, as well as export of domestic agricultural products abroad.