Announcement of new Call under IPARD II, 9.6 million euros available for projects through measure 7

The Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Economy, Mr. Arijanit Hoxha, and the Director of the Agency for Financial Support in Agriculture and Rural Development, Mr. Nikica Bachovski, today have announced the new Call from the IPARD II Programme.
The announced Public Call is for Measure 7 "Farm Diversification and Businesses Development", through which in the following period 9.6 million euros will be available to micro and small enterprises for implementation of investments in several sectors.
"The funds from this Call will be allocated to support investments that will contribute to stimulate the development of economic activities in rural areas and rural tourism. The total financial support within this Public Call is 9.6 million euros, with a possibility to increase the amount during the implementation of this Public Call. The funds are provided with the support of 75% of EU funds and 25% national co-financing, and the total eligible costs of the investment will not exceed the limit of 65%. With the implementation of this Public Call, we will fully use the funds available from the IPARD II Programme", said Minister Hoxha. He also added that the use of funds from the European Union in the area of the agriculture and rural development is at the highest possible level since the beginning of the IPARD Programs in our country. We have taken the lead among the countries of the Western Balkans, beneficiaries of IPARD. Following the monitoring, the European Commission in its last Report on the implementation of the Economic Reform Programs has singled out the Republic of North Macedonia as most successful. We received the highest performance index compared to the countries in the region, in terms of the degree of allocation of IPARD II funds. This year is the third in a row, in which we have maximum allocation and we will not return unused funds.
The Director of AFSARD, Mr. Nikica Bachovski, has emphasized that the main goal of this measure is to encourage creation of new jobs and increase economic activity in rural areas, through the development and promotion of rural tourism, preservation and development of craft activities and motivation of rural entrepreneurship.
"The priority sectors supported by this measure are investments in alternative agricultural production, investments in food and non-food products, investments in crafts, investments in services to the rural population and investments in rural tourism." The eligible beneficiaries for Measure 7 are natural and legal entities in the category of micro and small enterprises. The amount of financial support ranges from 1,500 to 1,000,000 euros, not including value added tax, and the return on investment is up to 65% of the total eligible costs. The projected budget for this measure is 9.6 million euros, with the possibility of its extension. "These are serious funds that will have a direct impact on the development of existing companies, as well as the establishment of new small and micro enterprises that are the main engines of the domestic economy," said AFSARD Director, Mr. Bachovski.
At the last call, through measure 7, we have signed 80 contracts with a total support of 8.5 million euros. These Contracts are the beginning of new investments in agriculture, new industrial facilities in rural areas, new accommodation and catering complexes that enrich the range of domestic tourist offer.
Until present, the Agency has paid 30% of the funds of the Program and has signed Contracts for almost 80% of the funds.
Underway are activities for the preparation of the new IPARD Programme 2021-2027 or IPARD III, through which the Republic of North Macedonia is expected to receive 60% more funds compared to IPARD II.
We are also leaders in the region in terms of programming the new IPARD III Program, which we expect to be expanded by four additional measures. The consultations have ted regarding the Programme document and the envisaged measures have already started. The European Commission is expected to adopt the new IPARD Program 2021-2027 for our country, in December this year.
The deadline for submitting applications is August 22, 2021. All interested parties can download the necessary documentation from the website of the Agency: