The European Commission has increased the budget for the implementation of projects under Measure 7 "Farm Diversification and Business Development", the micro and small companies have at their disposal over 13.5 million euros

The Agency for Financial Support of the Agriculture and Rural Development informs all those interested in applying for Measure 7 "Farm Diversification and Business Development" that the European Commission has approved an increase in the originally allocated funds for this measure. This means that instead of the initially earmarked 9.6 million euros, at present are available over 13.5 million euros to potential applicants for project implementation through the measure "Farm Diversification and Business Development". The financial support per beneficiary ranges from 1,500 to 1,000,000 euros, not including the value added tax, and the return on investment is up to 65% of total eligible costs.

These funds are intended for implementation of projects in several sectors

• Alternative agricultural production
• Production of food products and beverages
• Cakes, pasta and bakery products
• Tea and herbal extracts
• Spices and herbs
• Freshwater fish, crustaceans and mollusks
• Production of non-food products
• Craft activities, which are in accordance with the Rulebook on determining the activities that can be performed by craftsmen
• Development of services for the rural population
• Promotion of rural tourism

All information regarding the Call, as well as all the necessary documentation can be found on the website of the Agency for Financial Support in Agriculture and Rural Development

The funds from the IPARD 2 Programme will assist all natural and legal entities to modernize the existing or open new micro and small enterprises that will help domestic agricultural products gain added value. This measure provides the opportunity for development and promotion of the rural tourism.

Furthermore, this measure creates conditions for the development of rural areas, and citizens have the opportunity to develop rural areas as well as create new jobs.