On the basis of Annex A Clause bb paragraph 1 point b from the Law on ratification of the Framework Agreement for financial partnership signed by and between the Commission of the European Communities and the Republic of North Macedonia represented by the Government of the Republic of Macedonia for stipulating the specific procedures for implementation of the EU financial assistance to the Republic of North Macedonia under the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance IPA 3 (Official Gazette of Republic of North Macedonia no.235/22) and on the basis of the IPARD Programme 2021-2027 and article 6 from the Decree on the manner and the procedure for allocation of financial assistance for rural development measures funded under the IPARD Programme 2021-2027 (Official Gazette of RM no.88/23)
The Agency for Financial Support of the Agriculture and the Rural Development
Call for Applications No.01/2023
- The Agency for Financial Support of Agriculture and Rural Development (hereinafter: The Agency) as relevant institution and contracting authority for implementation of the EU Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance for Rural Development (IPARD) invites all interested natural and legal parties from the Republic of North Macedonia to submit applications for allocation of funds from the IPARD Program 2021-2027for the following measures:
Measure 1 Investment in physical assets for agriculture holdings
Measure 7. Farm Diversification and Business Development
2. The financial support for this Public Call is comprised of 75% funds by the European Union Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance for Rural Development (IPARD) according to the Financial Agreement 2021-2027and 25% funds from the Budget of the Republic of North Macedonia.
3. The Financial resources per single application shall be awarded as a non-refundable financial support (grant) in the amount of:
a. 60% of the value of the total eligible expenditures for the investments under Measure – Investments in physical assets of agriculture holdings. The percentage shall be increased up to 65% for investments by young farmers (natural person at the age of 18 to 40 years at the date of submitting the application of financial support) and 70% for investments in agriculture holdings in mountainous areas.
b. 60% of the value of the total eligible expenditures for the investments under Measure -Farm Diversification and Business Development.
The deadline for submitting applications is 15 October, 2023
The total financial support under this call for Measure 1 Investment in physical assets for agriculture holdings is 18.893.333,33 euros or 1.171.764.533,33 denars, while the total financial support for Measure 7 Farm Diversification and Business Development is 11.400.000,00 euros or 707.028.000,00 denars.
Note: The Contracts for financial support for this Public Call will be signed after signing the Financial Agreement by and between the European Commission and the Republic of North Macedonia for the implementation of the IPARD Program 2021-2027
4. Forms and instructions:
The required forms of the “Application for allocation of funds for the IPARD Program 2021-2027 and the "Guidelines for Beneficiaries of funds for the IPARD Program 2021-2027 for each measure individually which comprises all the information on the criteria, eligibility requirements for the projects and the funding conditions as well as any other information necessary for preparing an Application for allocation of funds under the IPARD Program 2021-2027, the Guidelines for drafting the Business Plan/Technical Project Proposal and other useful information in electronic form can be downloaded from the Agency’s web address: www.ipardpa.gov.mk.
5. Submitting the application :
The Applicant shall fill out and submit an Application for allocation of funds from the IPARD Programme 2021-2027 for the individual measure, Business Plan or Technical Proposal developed according to the Guidelines for drafting the Business Plan/Technical Project Proposal and supporting documentation as specified in this Public Call.
The completed application for allocation of funds from the IPARD Programme 2021-2027 along with the Business Plan/Technical Project Proposal and the overall documentation shall be submitted in a sealed envelope. The front of the envelope, in the upper left corner, should have an indication "DO NOT OPEN", for Public Call IPARD Programme 2021-2027 number 01/2023 and indication of the measure for which the application is sent. The application can be sent via registered mail or in person to the Archive of the Agency.
After completing the investment, the Beneficiary is obliged to submit Claim for Payment within the deadline stipulate by the Contract for Financial Support.
The claim for payment is standardized from which the Final Beneficiaries will obtain at the signing of the Contract for the measures 1 and 7. The claims for payment shall also be accessible at the premises of the Agency and can be also downloaded from the Agency’s webpage: www.ipardpa.gov.mk
Note: For the purpose of performing the on-the-spot controls by the Agency, the applicant should have copies of the overall documentation submitted to the Agency.
More detail contact information can be obtained at: telephone (02) 3097-460 or the email address: ipardpa.info@ipardpa.gov.mk and the website: www.ipardpa.gov.mk