
PUBLIC CALL No. 02/2019


Pursuant to Article 9, paragraph 1, item b of the Law on Ratification of the Sectoral Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Macedonia and the European Commission establishing provisions for the management and implementation of Union financial assistance to the Republic of Macedonia under the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance in the field of "Agriculture and Rural Developme...



PRIOR ANNOUNCEMENT on the publication of Public Call No. 01/2020 for Submission of Requests for the Use of Measure 1 "Investment in Fixed Assets of Agricultural Holdings" in the field of Agriculture and Rural Development Policy of the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance for Rural Development of the European Union (IPARD Program 2014-2020). English version

Media announcment


Preparation period for preparing documents for allocation of funds under Measure 3 “Investments in physical assets for processing of agricultural and fishery products from the IPARD II Programme“ The Agency for Financial Support of Agriculture and Rural Development hereby informs all interested parties, that as of today, is announced the Notification for a new Call under the I...



PRIOR NOTIFICATION for issuing Public Call 02/2019 for submission of applications for allocation of funds from Measure 3 Investments in physical assets for processing and marketing of agriculture and fishery products in the area of agriculture and rural development policies under the European Union Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance (IPARD Program 2014-2020).   English version

Announcement for Info Days


Through the Info Days closer to the citizens and the potential investors for allocation of the IPARD program funds For the purpose of higher information of the possibilities and the manner of applying for funding under the current Call for Measure 7 “Farm Diversification and Business Development” through the IPARD Program, we would like to inform you that representatives from the ...